
Last Updated: Mon 16-Sep-2024

Please click on the tab corresponding to the SATIS region you wish to view.

  CURRENT STANDINGSQueried: 16-Sep-24
2St Brendan-Shaw54100214201174.011
4St Patrick's522101530013121.013
6Scotch Oakburn505005100332-28.997
  SEASON FIXTURESQueried: 16-Sep-24
Round 1Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 24-Jul-24
4:00 PM
LCSScotch OakburnWindsor Precinct - Riv Olympic GroundLCS Won (2 to 0)
Mon 29-Jul-24
3:00 PM
St Patrick'sSt Brendan-ShawSt Patrick's CollegeSt Brendan-Shaw Won (1 to 2)
Mon 19-Aug-24
3:45 PM
GrammarMaristSt Patrick's CollegeGrammar Won (9 to 1)
Moved To Catch Up Round.1 On 19th August
Round 2Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 31-Jul-24
3:00 PM
Scotch OakburnMaristScotch Oakburn ParkMarist Won (1 to 12)
Wed 31-Jul-24
3:30 PM
St Brendan-ShawLCSSt Brendan Shaw CollegeSt Brendan-Shaw Won (2 to 1)
Round 3Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 7-Aug-24
3:30 PM
GrammarScotch OakburnScotch Oakburn ParkGrammar Won (8 to 1)
Moved to Scotch
Wed 7-Aug-24
3:30 PM
MaristSt Brendan-ShawMarist Regional CollegeSt Brendan-Shaw Won (1 to 2)
Wed 7-Aug-24
4:00 PM
St Patrick'sLCSSt Patrick's CollegeDraw (2 to 2)
Round 4Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 14-Aug-24
4:00 PM
St Patrick'sScotch OakburnSt Patrick's CollegeSt Patrick's Won (6 to 0)
Wed 14-Aug-24
4:00 PM
LCSGrammarWindsor Precinct - LCS Campus GroundLCS Won (5 to 4)
Round 5Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 19-Aug-24-- BYE ---- BYE --
Catch Up Round.1
Round 6Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 21-Aug-24
3:30 PM
Scotch OakburnSt Brendan-ShawScotch Oakburn ParkSt Brendan-Shaw Won (1 to 4)
Wed 21-Aug-24
3:30 PM
GrammarSt Patrick'sChurchill ParkGrammar Won (8 to 1)
Wed 21-Aug-24
3:30 PM
MaristLCSMarist Regional CollegeLCS Won (2 to 9)
Round 7Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 28-Aug-24
3:30 PM
MaristSt Patrick'sMarist Regional CollegeMarist Forfeited (0 to 3)
Mon 2-Sep-24
2:00 PM
St Brendan-ShawGrammarValley Road DevonportGrammar Won (1 to 3)
Round 8Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 2-Sep-24-- BYE ---- BYE --
Catch Up Round.2
Round 9Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 4-Sep-24
3:30 PM
GrammarSt Patrick'sScotch Oakburn ParkGrammar Won (2 to 1)
NSATIS Semi Final (1 v 4)
Wed 4-Sep-24
3:30 PM
St Brendan-ShawLCSValley Road DevonportLCS Won (0 to 1)
NSATIS Semi Final (2 v 3)
Wed 4-Sep-24
3:45 PM
MaristScotch OakburnMarist Regional CollegeMarist Won (8 to 0)
5v6 Playoff
Round 10Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 11-Sep-24
3:45 PM
GrammarLCSSt Patrick's CollegeGrammar Won (6 to 2)
NSATIS Final (Winner Semi Finals)
Round 11Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 25-Sep-24-- FINALS ROUND --Teams to be announced.
State Final - South
  Format for Printer...
  NSATIS Girls Senior 1st Soccer - History of Champions
2016Scotch Oakburn
2015St Patrick's
2014St Patrick's
  CURRENT STANDINGSQueried: 16-Sep-24
1St Patrick's Gold760103347132824.032
4St Brendan-Shaw743002332822202.022
5Scotch Oakburn73310213002223-0.978
7St Patrick's Green725001521416133.016
  SEASON FIXTURESQueried: 16-Sep-24
Round 1Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 24-Jul-24
4:00 PM
LCSScotch OakburnWindsor Precinct - LCS Campus GroundLCS Won (10 to 5)
Mon 29-Jul-24
3:00 PM
St Patrick's GreenSt Brendan-ShawSt Patrick's CollegeSt Brendan-Shaw Won (1 to 4)
Mon 19-Aug-24
3:45 PM
GrammarMaristSt Patrick's CollegeGrammar Won (5 to 1)
Moved To Catch Up Round.1 On 19th August
Round 2Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 31-Jul-24
3:00 PM
Scotch OakburnMaristScotch Oakburn ParkDraw (2 to 2)
Wed 31-Jul-24
3:30 PM
St Patrick's GoldGrammarSt Patrick's CollegeSt Patrick's Gold Won (3 to 2)
Wed 31-Jul-24
3:30 PM
LeighlandSt Patrick's GreenUlverstone Soccer ClubSt Patrick's Green Won (0 to 8)
Wed 31-Jul-24
3:30 PM
St Brendan-ShawLCSValley Road DevonportSt Brendan-Shaw Won (5 to 2)
Round 3Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 7-Aug-24
3:30 PM
GrammarScotch OakburnScotch Oakburn ParkGrammar Won (3 to 1)
Moved To Scotch
Wed 7-Aug-24
3:30 PM
St Brendan-ShawSt Patrick's GoldValley Road DevonportSt Patrick's Gold Won (2 to 9)
Wed 7-Aug-24
3:30 PM
MaristLeighlandMarist Regional CollegeMarist Won (4 to 3)
Wed 7-Aug-24
4:00 PM
St Patrick's GreenLCSSt Patrick's CollegeLCS Won (2 to 4)
Round 4Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 14-Aug-24
3:30 PM
LeighlandSt Brendan-ShawUlverstone Soccer ClubSt Brendan-Shaw Won (2 to 5)
Wed 14-Aug-24
3:30 PM
MaristSt Patrick's GoldMarist Regional CollegeSt Patrick's Gold Won (2 to 10)
Wed 14-Aug-24
4:00 PM
St Patrick's GreenScotch OakburnSt Patrick's CollegeScotch Oakburn Won (1 to 2)
Wed 14-Aug-24
4:00 PM
LCSGrammarWindsor Precinct - Riv Olympic GroundGrammar Won (3 to 6)
Round 5Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 19-Aug-24-- BYE ---- BYE --
Catch Up Round.1
Round 6Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 21-Aug-24
3:30 PM
Scotch OakburnSt Brendan-ShawScotch Oakburn ParkScotch Oakburn Won (4 to 3)
Wed 21-Aug-24
3:30 PM
GrammarLeighlandChurchill ParkGrammar Won (13 to 1)
Wed 21-Aug-24
3:30 PM
MaristLCSMarist Regional CollegeLCS Won (0 to 7)
Wed 21-Aug-24
4:00 PM
St Patrick's GoldSt Patrick's GreenSt Patrick's CollegeSt Patrick's Gold Won
Round 7Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 28-Aug-24
3:30 PM
MaristSt Patrick's GreenMarist Regional CollegeMarist Won (3 to 1)
Wed 28-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Scotch OakburnSt Patrick's GoldScotch Oakburn ParkSt Patrick's Gold Won (1 to 3)
Mon 2-Sep-24
3:30 PM
St Brendan-ShawGrammarValley Road DevonportGrammar Won (1 to 2)
Mon 9-Sep-24
4:00 PM
LCSLeighlandWindsor Precinct - LCS Campus GroundLCS Won (12 to 1)
Moved To Catch Up Round.2
Round 8Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 2-Sep-24
3:30 PM
St Patrick's GoldLeighlandSt Patrick's CollegeDraw
From Round.1 (Match Washed Out)
Wed 4-Sep-24
2:00 PM
St Brendan-ShawMaristValley Road DevonportSt Brendan-Shaw Won (2 to 0)
Wed 4-Sep-24
3:30 PM
LeighlandScotch OakburnUlverstone Soccer ClubScotch Oakburn Won (1 to 7)
Wed 4-Sep-24
3:30 PM
GrammarSt Patrick's GreenChurchill ParkGrammar Forfeited (0 to 3)
Wed 4-Sep-24
4:00 PM
St Patrick's GoldLCSSt Patrick's CollegeSt Patrick's Gold Won (7 to 1)
Round 9Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 9-Sep-24-- BYE ---- BYE --
Catch Up Round.2
Round 10Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 11-Sep-24
2:00 PM
St Patrick's GoldGrammarSt Patrick's CollegeSt Patrick's Gold Won (7 to 2)
NSATIS Final (1v2)
Round 11Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 25-Sep-24-- BYE ---- BYE --
State Final - South
  Format for Printer...
  NSATIS Boys Senior 1st Soccer - History of Champions
2024St Patrick's Gold
2023St Patrick's
2021St Patrick's
2020St Patrick's
2018St Patrick's
2017St Patrick's
2016St Patrick's
2015Scotch Oakburn
2014St Patrick's
  CURRENT STANDINGSQueried: 16-Sep-24
1St Patrick's Gold440002050031724.031
2Grammar Black421101435019172.019
3Grammar Blue42200123001495.014
4St Patrick's Green41210102501322-8.987
5Scotch Oakburn404004100729-21.993
  SEASON FIXTURESQueried: 16-Sep-24
Round 1Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 24-Jul-24St Patrick's Green-- BYE --
Wed 24-Jul-24
3:30 PM
St Patrick's GoldScotch OakburnSt Patrick's CollegeSt Patrick's Gold Won (11 to 1)
Mon 19-Aug-24
3:30 PM
Grammar BlueGrammar BlackLaunceston Grammar - Campus GroundGrammar Black Won (2 to 3)
Round 2Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 31-Jul-24Grammar Blue-- BYE --
Wed 31-Jul-24
3:30 PM
Grammar BlackScotch OakburnLaunceston Grammar - Campus GroundGrammar Black Won (10 to 1)
Wed 31-Jul-24
3:30 PM
St Patrick's GreenSt Patrick's GoldSt Patrick's CollegeSt Patrick's Gold Won (3 to 8)
Round 3Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 7-Aug-24Grammar Black-- BYE --
Wed 7-Aug-24
3:30 PM
Scotch OakburnSt Patrick's GreenScotch Oakburn ParkSt Patrick's Green Won (3 to 4)
Mon 12-Aug-24
3:30 PM
Grammar BlueSt Patrick's GoldLaunceston Grammar - Campus GroundSt Patrick's Gold Won (2 to 3)
Moved To Catch Up Round.1 On 12th August
Round 4Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 12-Aug-24
3:30 PM
-- BYE ---- BYE --
Catch Up Round.1
Round 5Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 14-Aug-24St Patrick's Gold-- BYE --
Wed 14-Aug-24
3:30 PM
Grammar BlackSt Patrick's GreenLaunceston Grammar - Campus GroundDraw (5 to 5)
Wed 14-Aug-24
3:30 PM
Scotch OakburnGrammar BlueScotch Oakburn ParkGrammar Blue Won (2 to 4)
Round 6Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 21-Aug-24Scotch Oakburn-- BYE --
Wed 21-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Grammar BlackSt Patrick's GoldLaunceston Grammar - Campus GroundSt Patrick's Gold Won (1 to 9)
Wed 21-Aug-24
4:00 PM
St Patrick's GreenGrammar BlueSt Patrick's CollegeGrammar Blue Won (1 to 6)
Round 7Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 26-Aug-24
4:00 PM
-- BYE ---- BYE --
Catch Up Round.2
Round 8Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 28-Aug-24
4:00 PM
St Patrick's GreenScotch OakburnSt Patrick's CollegeSt Patrick's Green Won (8 to 4)
NSATIS Elimination Final (4v5)
Round 9Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 4-Sep-24
3:30 PM
Grammar BlackGrammar BlueScotch Oakburn ParkGrammar Blue Won (1 to 4)
NSATIS Semi Final (2v3)
Wed 4-Sep-24
4:00 PM
St Patrick's GoldSt Patrick's GreenSt Patrick's CollegeSt Patrick's Gold Won (3 to 1)
NSATIS Semi Final (1 v Winner of Elimination Final)
Round 10Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 11-Sep-24
4:00 PM
St Patrick's GoldGrammar BlueSt Patrick's CollegeSt Patrick's Gold Won (8 to 2)
NSATIS Final (Winner of Semi Finals)
  Format for Printer...
  NSATIS Boys Senior 2nd Soccer - History of Champions
2024St Patrick's Gold
2023Grammar Blue
2022Grammar Black
2021St Patrick's
2018SPC Green
2017SPC Green
2016LCGS Blue
2015St Patrick's Gold
2014St Patrick's Gold
1. Each game will consist of 2 x 30 minute halves with a 5-minute break.  In instances where light will be an issue, length of halves should be negotiated by the two coaches prior to the start of the match.  (20 minute halves should be the minimum.)  Games should start as close to 4.00 p.m. as possible.
2. The home team or first named team is to supply the referee, a match ball and 1 linesperson.   The visiting team is to provide 1 linesperson.
3. The Junior roster is to consist of Grade 7 & 8 players.  
4. Points for roster matches:
Win - 5 Points
Draw - 3 Points
Loss - 1 Point
Wash Out 3 Points
Forfeit (Win) 5 Points and 3-0 score recorded
Forfeit (Loss) 0 Points and 0-3 score recorded        
5. Qualifying for Finals
(a) In the event of two teams finishing on equal points at the end of the season then the teams qualifying for Semi-final positions and the Northern Final shall be decided on the results of games played between those equal teams (goal difference:  Goals scored - Goals Conceded).
(b) If the teams are still equal on their goal difference, then the ratio (total goals scored - total goals conceded) between all teams for the season shall be used.
6. Semi-Finals & Finals:
 a.  The length of rosters and the number of teams entered will determine the format for finals.  In cases where a grand final is played it will be    1 v 2 with 1 having the home game.  If it is decided to play semi-finals and a grand final the format will be:
 Week 1 Semi-Finals:    1 v 4      &       2 v 3
 Week 2 Grand Final:    Winning teams from Week 1 Semi-finals play in Grand Final.
b. The two teams play normal time.   If the score is a tie after the allotted time, extra time consisting of two 5 minutes each way, will be played to decide the finalist or premier.  If neither team score during extra time the Northern Premiership will be shared or if it is a semi-final the team finishing ahead on the ladder will proceed to finals.
c. Should the final be washed out, then the team finishing on top of the ladder will be declared the Premier unless teams agree to play on an alternative date.
d. Umpires for finals should be neutral
e. Venues for finals are determined by the team that finishes higher on the ladder.
7.  9/Side Rules
If numbers for teams are limited the delegates have the right to determine a variation from the usual 11/side to 9/side.  In such instances the following rules shall be applied:
           a.  9/side with a maximum of 5 on the bench
           b.  Each team must have a minimum of 7 players to constitute a game.
           C.  Where possible games should be played on the smaller grounds available at each venue.
1. Matches will be played under current ASF Rules subject to variations listed below:
GIRLS - Each game to consist of 2 x 35 - minute halves with a 5 minute break.
BOYS - Each game consist of 2 x 40 - minute halves with a 5 minute break.
JUNIOR - Each game consists of 2 x 30 minute halves with a 5 minute break.
2. NSATIS will appoint qualified referees.  If this is not possible the home team must supply the referee. The home team must also provide one match ball and 1 linesperson. The visiting team must also provide 1 linesperson.  Each team must complete and provide a copy to the referee a team sheet with names and numbers of all players.
3. Games being played between Independent Schools have no age limit.
4. Points for roster games between Independent Schools to determine Northern Premiership are as follows:
Win - 5 Points
Draw - 3 Points
Loss - 1 Point
Wash Out 3 Points
Forfeit (Win) 5 Points and 3-0 score recorded
Forfeit (Loss) 0 Points and 0-3 score recorded            
5. If teams are equal at the end of the roster, goal difference between those two teams is utilised. (Goals scored - Goals Conceded between the two equal teams.) The team with the greater difference being the winner.
6. Player numbers:                  
a. Four interchange players are allowed.
b. A minimum of seven players are required to play a game and a maximum of 15 on the     team sheet.
c. Players may be freely interchanged at any time during the game with permission from the referee.  All such changes to occur at the half way line.  Teams must wait at least 5 minutes between such changes.
7. Bookings:
a. If a player receives a yellow card a report must be sent to the NSATIS Administrative Officer. If a player collects three yellow cards in a season he is automatically suspended for the next match in which he is eligible to play. The NSATIS Administrative Officer would advise all schools of this.
b. If a player received a red card he is automatically suspended for the next match. A report must be sent to the NSATIS Administrative Officer who will decided if further action is necessary. All schools would be notified of such action and whether further action was being taken.
8. Qualifying for Finals
a. For the Northern Independent Premiership only, the matches against other schools first teams count.
b. In the event of two teams finishing on equal points at the end of the season then the teams qualifying for the Northern Final shall be decided on the results of the games played between those equal teams (goal difference - see Rule 5).
c. If the teams are still equal on goal their difference, then the ratio (total goals scored - total goals conceded) between all teams for the season shall be used.  
9. Northern Finals:
a. The two teams play normal time.   If the score is a tie after the allotted time, 10 minutes each way (boys), 5 minutes each way (girls) extra time will be played then to decide the premier.  If neither team score during extra time the Northern Premiership will be shared and the team finishing on top of the ladder will earn the right to contest the State Final.
b. Should the final be washed out, the Premiership will be shared and the team finishing on top of the ladder will earn the right to contest the State Final.
  CURRENT STANDINGSQueried: 16-Sep-24
1GYC Gold22000105001028.010
5St Mary's20011315025-2.998
  SEASON FIXTURESQueried: 16-Sep-24
Round 1Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 8-Aug-24St Mary's-- BYE --
Thu 8-Aug-24
4:00 PM
FahanCollegiateFahan OvalFahan Won (5 to 1)
Thu 8-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Friends'GYC GoldBell Street - Main OvalGYC Gold Won (1 to 7)
Round 2Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 15-Aug-24Friends'-- BYE --Bye
Thu 15-Aug-24
4:00 PM
GYC GoldFahanGuilford Young - Glenorchy CampusGYC Gold Won (3 to 1)
Thu 15-Aug-24
4:00 PM
CollegiateSt Mary'sHam Common - Tolmans HillDraw (2 to 2)
Round 3Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 22-Aug-24Collegiate-- BYE --Bye
Thu 22-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Friends'FahanBell Street - Main OvalFriends' Won (2 to 0)
Thu 22-Aug-24
4:00 PM
GYC GoldSt Mary'sGuilford Young - Glenorchy CampusCancelled
Round 4Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 29-Aug-24Fahan-- BYE --Bye
Thu 29-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Friends'St Mary'sBell Street - Main OvalCancelled
Thu 29-Aug-24
4:00 PM
GYC GoldCollegiateGuilford Young - Glenorchy CampusCancelled
Round 5Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 5-Sep-24GYC Gold-- BYE --Bye
Thu 5-Sep-24
4:00 PM
FahanSt Mary'sFahan OvalSt Mary's Forfeited (3 to 0)
Thu 5-Sep-24
4:00 PM
CollegiateFriends'Ham Common - Tolmans HillFriends' Won (2 to 8)
Round 6Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 12-Sep-24
4:00 PM
Friends'FahanBell Street - Main OvalFahan Won
Semi-Final (2 v 3)
Thu 12-Sep-24
4:00 PM
GYC GoldCollegiateGuilford Young - Hobart CampusGYC Gold Won
Semi-Final (1 v 4)
Round 7Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 19-Sep-24
4:00 PM
GYC GoldFahanGuilford Young - Hobart Campus
Round 8Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 25-Sep-24-- BYE ---- BYE --
  Format for Printer...
  SSATIS Girls 1st Grade Soccer - History of Champions
2023Guilford Young
2022GYC Gold
2021Guilford Young
2017Guilford Young
2016Fahan Blue (B)
2015Guilford Young A
  CURRENT STANDINGSQueried: 16-Sep-24
2GYC Navy431001640021813.021
4GYC Red404004100231-28.998
  SEASON FIXTURESQueried: 16-Sep-24
Round 0Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Round 1Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 1-Aug-24Collegiate-- BYE --
Thu 1-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Friends'GYC RedBell Street - Top OvalFriends' Won (8 to 0)
Thu 1-Aug-24
4:00 PM
GYC NavyFahanGuilford Young - Hobart CampusFahan Won (4 to 5)
Round 2Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 8-Aug-24Friends'-- BYE --Bye
Thu 8-Aug-24
4:00 PM
GYC NavyGYC RedGuilford Young - Hobart CampusGYC Navy Won (10 to 0)
Thu 8-Aug-24
4:00 PM
CollegiateFahanHam Common - Tolmans HillCollegiate Forfeited (0 to 3)
Round 3Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 15-Aug-24GYC Navy-- BYE --Bye
Thu 15-Aug-24
4:00 PM
FahanGYC RedFahan OvalFahan Won (7 to 2)
Thu 15-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Friends'CollegiateBell Street - Top OvalFriends' Won (4 to 1)
Round 4Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 22-Aug-24GYC Red-- BYE --Bye
Thu 22-Aug-24
4:00 PM
FahanFriends'Fahan OvalFriends' Won (0 to 4)
Thu 22-Aug-24
4:00 PM
GYC NavyCollegiateGuilford Young - Hobart CampusGYC Navy Won (3 to 2)
Round 5Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 29-Aug-24Fahan-- BYE --Bye
Thu 29-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Friends'GYC NavyBell Street - Main OvalCancelled
Thu 29-Aug-24
4:00 PM
GYC RedCollegiateGuilford Young - Hobart CampusCancelled
Round 6Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 5-Sep-24
4:00 PM
Friends'GYC RedBell Street - Main OvalFriends' Won (6 to 0)
Semi Final (1 v 4)
Thu 5-Sep-24
4:15 PM
FahanGYC NavyGuilford Young - Hobart CampusGYC Navy Won (1 to 4)
Semi-Final (2 v 3)
Round 7Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 12-Sep-24
4:00 PM
Friends'GYC NavyBell Street - Top OvalGYC Navy Won (2 to 3)
  Format for Printer...
  SSATIS Girls 2nd Grade Soccer - History of Champions
2024GYC Navy
2023Guilford Young
  CURRENT STANDINGSQueried: 16-Sep-24
1GYC Gold3102011366523.005
  SEASON FIXTURESQueried: 16-Sep-24
Round 1Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 29-Jul-24
12:00 AM
GYC Gold-- BYE --Bye
Mon 29-Jul-24
4:00 PM
Friends'HutchinsBell Street - Main OvalFriends' Won (2 to 1)
Round 2Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 5-Aug-24Friends'-- BYE --Bye
Mon 5-Aug-24
4:00 PM
GYC GoldHutchinsGuilford Young - Glenorchy CampusDraw (2 to 2)
Round 3Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 12-Aug-24Hutchins-- BYE --Bye
Mon 12-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Friends'GYC GoldBell Street - Main OvalDraw (0 to 0)
Round 4Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 19-Aug-24GYC Gold-- BYE --Bye
Mon 19-Aug-24
4:00 PM
HutchinsFriends'Hutchins WMO OvalDraw (2 to 2)
Round 5Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 26-Aug-24Friends'-- BYE --Bye
Mon 26-Aug-24
4:00 PM
HutchinsGYC GoldHutchins WMO OvalGYC Gold Won (0 to 3)
Round 6Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 2-Sep-24Hutchins-- BYE --Bye
Mon 2-Sep-24
4:00 PM
Friends'GYC GoldBell Street - Main OvalCancelled
Round 7Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 9-Sep-24
4:00 PM
Friends'GYC GoldBell Street - Main OvalGYC Gold Won (0 to 2)
Round 8Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 25-Sep-24-- BYE ---- BYE --
  Format for Printer...
  SSATIS Boys 1st Grade Soccer - History of Champions
2024GYC Gold
2023GYC Gold
2022GYC Gold
2021GYC Gold
2020Guilford Young
2019Guilford Young
2018Guilford Young College
2017Guilford Young
2016Guilford Young
2015Guilford Young A
  CURRENT STANDINGSQueried: 16-Sep-24
1Hutchins Black440002050022319.022
2GYC Navy541002142020713.020
3GYC Red54100214201596.015
4St Virgil's422001230019712.019
5GYC White633001830023185.023
6Hutchins Magenta62400142331323-9.987
7Friends' Red5210211220514-8.995
8Friends' Blue41201717515141.015
9GYC Blue505005100643-36.994
  SEASON FIXTURESQueried: 16-Sep-24
Round 1Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 29-Jul-24GYC Navy-- BYE --Bye
Mon 29-Jul-24
4:00 PM
Hutchins BlackFriends' RedHutchins WMO OvalHutchins Black Won (5 to 0)
Mon 29-Jul-24
4:00 PM
GYC WhiteGYC RedGuilford Young - Glenorchy CampusGYC Red Won (4 to 5)
Mon 29-Jul-24
4:00 PM
GYC BlueFriends' BlueGuilford Young - Hobart CampusFriends' Blue Won (0 to 11)
Mon 29-Jul-24
4:00 PM
St Virgil'sHutchins MagentaSt Virgil's College - Main OvalSt Virgil's Won (6 to 1)
Round 2Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 5-Aug-24Hutchins Black-- BYE --Bye
Mon 5-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Hutchins MagentaGYC RedHutchins WMO OvalGYC Red Won (0 to 3)
Mon 5-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Friends' BlueFriends' RedBell Street - Main OvalRescheduled
Mon 5-Aug-24
4:00 PM
GYC BlueGYC WhiteGuilford Young - Hobart CampusGYC White Won (2 to 7)
Mon 5-Aug-24
4:00 PM
St Virgil'sGYC NavySt Virgil's College - Main OvalGYC Navy Won (2 to 3)
Round 3Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 12-Aug-24St Virgil's-- BYE --Bye
Mon 12-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Hutchins MagentaGYC BlueBarrie Irons OvalHutchins Magenta Won (6 to 2)
Mon 12-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Hutchins BlackFriends' BlueHutchins WMO OvalHutchins Black Won (6 to 1)
Mon 12-Aug-24
4:00 PM
GYC WhiteFriends' RedGuilford Young - Glenorchy CampusFriends' Red Forfeited (3 to 0)
Mon 12-Aug-24
4:00 PM
GYC RedGYC NavyGuilford Young - Hobart CampusGYC Navy Won (1 to 3)
Round 4Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 19-Aug-24Friends' Blue-- BYE --Bye
Mon 19-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Friends' RedHutchins MagentaBell Street - Main OvalFriends' Red Won (3 to 2)
Mon 19-Aug-24
4:00 PM
GYC WhiteHutchins BlackGuilford Young - Glenorchy CampusHutchins Black Won (2 to 4)
Mon 19-Aug-24
4:00 PM
GYC BlueGYC NavyGuilford Young - Hobart CampusGYC Navy Won (2 to 10)
Mon 19-Aug-24
4:00 PM
St Virgil'sGYC RedSt Virgil's College - Main OvalGYC Red Won (2 to 3)
Round 5Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 26-Aug-24GYC Red-- BYE --Bye
Mon 26-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Hutchins MagentaHutchins BlackBarrie Irons OvalHutchins Black Won (0 to 7)
Mon 26-Aug-24
4:00 PM
Friends' RedGYC NavyBell Street - Main OvalFriends' Red Won (2 to 1)
Mon 26-Aug-24
4:00 PM
GYC WhiteFriends' BlueGuilford Young - Glenorchy CampusGYC White Won (5 to 3)
Mon 26-Aug-24
4:00 PM
GYC BlueSt Virgil'sGuilford Young - Hobart CampusSt Virgil's Won (0 to 9)
Round 6Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 2-Sep-24GYC White-- BYE --Bye
Mon 2-Sep-24
4:00 PM
Hutchins BlackGYC NavyHutchins WMO OvalCancelled
Mon 2-Sep-24
4:00 PM
Friends' RedSt Virgil'sBell Street - Top OvalCancelled
Mon 2-Sep-24
4:00 PM
Friends' BlueHutchins MagentaBell Street - Main OvalCancelled
Mon 2-Sep-24
4:00 PM
GYC RedGYC BlueGuilford Young - Hobart CampusCancelled
Round 7Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 9-Sep-24GYC Blue-- BYE --Bye
Mon 9-Sep-24
4:00 PM
Hutchins MagentaGYC WhiteBarrie Irons OvalHutchins Magenta Won (4 to 2)
Mon 9-Sep-24
4:00 PM
Friends' BlueGYC NavyBell Street - Top OvalFriends' Blue Forfeited (0 to 3)
Mon 9-Sep-24
4:00 PM
GYC RedFriends' RedGuilford Young - Hobart CampusFriends' Red Forfeited (3 to 0)
Mon 9-Sep-24
4:00 PM
St Virgil'sHutchins BlackSt Virgil's College - Main OvalCancelled
Round 8Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 16-Sep-24Hutchins Magenta-- BYE --Bye
Mon 16-Sep-24
4:00 PM
Hutchins BlackGYC RedHutchins WMO Oval
Mon 16-Sep-24
4:00 PM
Friends' BlueSt Virgil'sBell Street - Main Oval
Mon 16-Sep-24
4:00 PM
Friends' RedGYC BlueBell Street - Top Oval
Mon 16-Sep-24
4:00 PM
GYC WhiteGYC NavyGuilford Young - Glenorchy Campus
Round 9Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Mon 23-Sep-24-- BYE ---- BYE --
  Format for Printer...
  SSATIS Boys 2nd Grade Soccer - History of Champions
2022GYC Red
  CURRENT STANDINGSQueried: 16-Sep-24
1Sacred Heart540102345918513.018
2Friends' Silver421101435018612.018
3Hutchins White42200123001275.012
4Hilliard Christian School50401480030-30.000
  SEASON FIXTURESQueried: 16-Sep-24
Round 1Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 8-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins WhiteSacred HeartBarrie Irons OvalSacred Heart Won (1 to 4)
Thu 8-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Friends' SilverHilliard Christian SchoolBell Street - TopFriends' Silver Won (11 to 0)
Round 2Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 15-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins WhiteHilliard Christian SchoolBarrie Irons OvalHilliard Christian School Forfeited (3 to 0)
Thu 15-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Friends' SilverSacred HeartBell Street - TopSacred Heart Won (1 to 3)
Round 3Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 22-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins WhiteFriends' SilverBarrie Irons OvalCancelled
Thu 22-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Sacred HeartHilliard Christian SchoolBell Street - TopSacred Heart Won (4 to 0)
Round 4Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 29-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins WhiteSacred HeartBarrie Irons OvalCancelled
Thu 29-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Friends' SilverHilliard Christian SchoolBell Street - TopCancelled
Round 5Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 5-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins WhiteHilliard Christian SchoolBarrie Irons OvalHutchins White Won (8 to 0)
Thu 5-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Friends' SilverSacred HeartBell Street - TopDraw (3 to 3)
Round 6Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 12-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Hilliard Christian SchoolSacred HeartBell Street - TopSacred Heart Won (0 to 4)
Thu 12-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Friends' SilverHutchins WhiteBell Street - TopFriends' Silver Won (3 to 0)
Round 7Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 19-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins WhiteSacred HeartBarrie Irons Oval
Rd. 4 Makeup
Thu 19-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Friends' SilverHilliard Christian SchoolBell Street - Top
Rd. 4 Makeup
Round 8Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 26-Sep-24
4:15 PM
-- FINALS ROUND --Teams to be announced.
  Format for Printer...
  SSATIS Boys Year 10 Soccer - History of Champions
2023Friends' Red
2023Hutchins (9)
2022SVC Blue
2021SVC Blue
2020St Virgil's Gold
2019Sacred Heart
2016Friends Red
2015St Virgils Gold
  CURRENT STANDINGSQueried: 16-Sep-24
1Friends' Red3210011366734.007
2Hutchins Black311109300440.004
3SVC Blue20110420015-3.999
  SEASON FIXTURESQueried: 16-Sep-24
Round 1Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 8-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Friends' Red-- BYE --Bye
Thu 8-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins BlackSVC BlueHutchins WMO OvalTie (1 to 1)
Round 2Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 15-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins Black-- BYE --Bye
Thu 15-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Friends' RedSVC BlueBell Street - Main OvalFriends' Red Won (4 to 0)
Round 3Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 22-Aug-24
4:15 PM
SVC Blue-- BYE --Bye
Thu 22-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins BlackFriends' RedHutchins WMO OvalFriends' Red Won (2 to 3)
Round 4Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 29-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Friends' Red-- BYE --Bye
Thu 29-Aug-24
4:15 PM
SVC BlueHutchins BlackSt Virgil's College - Main OvalCancelled
Round 5Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 5-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins Black-- BYE --Bye
Thu 5-Sep-24
4:15 PM
SVC BlueFriends' RedSt Virgil's College - Main OvalCancelled
Round 6Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 12-Sep-24
4:15 PM
SVC Blue-- BYE --Bye
Thu 12-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins BlackFriends' RedHutchins WMO OvalHutchins Black Won (1 to 0)
Round 7Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 19-Sep-24Friends' Red-- BYE --
Thu 19-Sep-24
4:15 PM
SVC BlueHutchins BlackSt Virgil's College - Main Oval
Rd. 4 Makeup
Round 8Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 25-Sep-24-- FINALS ROUND --Teams to be announced.
SSATIS Final - Warrior Park
  Format for Printer...
  SSATIS Boys Year 10 Soccer - History of Champions
2023Friends' Red
2023Hutchins (9)
2022SVC Blue
2021SVC Blue
2020St Virgil's Gold
2019Sacred Heart
2016Friends Red
2015St Virgils Gold
  CURRENT STANDINGSQueried: 16-Sep-24
1SVC Blue42110143501073.010
2Friends' Blue53200173401578.015
3Hutchins Magenta4220012300812-3.992
  SEASON FIXTURESQueried: 16-Sep-24
Round 0Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Round 1Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 8-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Friends' BlueCalvinBell Street - Top OvalFriends' Blue Won (4 to 0)
Thu 8-Aug-24
4:15 PM
SVC BlueHutchins MagentaSt Virgil's College - Main OvalSVC Blue Won (6 to 0)
Round 2Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 15-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins MagentaFriends' BlueHutchins WMO OvalHutchins Magenta Won (3 to 2)
Thu 15-Aug-24
4:15 PM
CalvinSVC BlueCalvin Christian School - Sophia StreetDraw (2 to 2)
Round 3Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 22-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Friends' BlueSVC BlueBell Street - Top OvalFriends' Blue Won (5 to 1)
Thu 22-Aug-24
4:15 PM
CalvinHutchins MagentaCalvin Christian School - Sophia StreetCancelled
Round 4Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 29-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins MagentaSVC BlueHutchins WMO OvalCancelled
Thu 29-Aug-24
4:15 PM
CalvinFriends' BlueCalvin Christian School - Sophia StreetCancelled
Round 5Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 5-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Friends' BlueHutchins MagentaBell Street - Main OvalFriends' Blue Won (4 to 2)
Thu 5-Sep-24
4:15 PM
SVC BlueCalvinSt Virgil's College - JPCCancelled
Round 6Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 12-Sep-24
4:15 PM
SVC BlueFriends' BlueSt Virgil's College - Main OvalSVC Blue Won (1 to 0)
Thu 19-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins MagentaCalvinBarrie Irons OvalHutchins Magenta Won (3 to 0)
Round 7Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Thu 19-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins MagentaSVC BlueHutchins WMO Oval
Rd. 4 Makeup
Thu 19-Sep-24
4:15 PM
CalvinFriends' BlueCalvin Christian School - Sophia Street
Rd. 4 Makeup
Round 8Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 25-Sep-24-- FINALS ROUND --Teams to be announced.
SSATIS Final - Warrior Park
  Format for Printer...
  SSATIS Boys Year 9 Soccer - History of Champions
2022Friends' Red
2021SVC Blue
2020Friends' Blue
2017St Aloysius
  CURRENT STANDINGSQueried: 16-Sep-24
1MacKillop Red540102345930525.030
2SVC Gold632102033317161.017
3Hutchins Magenta53101163201486.014
4Friends' Blue522101530018144.018
6St Aloysius31002516636-2.997
7Eastside Lutheran College403106150924-14.991
  SEASON FIXTURESQueried: 16-Sep-24
Round 1Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 31-Jul-24Dominic-- BYE --Bye
Wed 31-Jul-24
4:15 PM
St AloysiusSVC GoldHutchins WMO OvalSt Aloysius Forfeited (0 to 3)
Wed 31-Jul-24
4:15 PM
MacKillop RedHutchins MagentaMacKillop OvalMacKillop Red Won (3 to 0)
Wed 31-Jul-24
4:15 PM
Friends' BlueEastside Lutheran CollegeBell Street - Main OvalDraw (3 to 3)
Round 2Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 7-Aug-24Friends' Blue-- BYE --Bye
Wed 7-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins MagentaEastside Lutheran CollegeHutchins WMO OvalHutchins Magenta Won (4 to 1)
Wed 7-Aug-24
4:15 PM
DominicSt AloysiusDominic OvalSt Aloysius Forfeited (3 to 0)
Wed 7-Aug-24
4:15 PM
SVC GoldMacKillop RedSt Virgil's College - JPC OvalDraw (1 to 1)
Round 3Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 14-Aug-24St Aloysius-- BYE --Bye
Wed 14-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins MagentaFriends' BlueHutchins WMO OvalHutchins Magenta Won (6 to 0)
Wed 14-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Eastside Lutheran CollegeSVC GoldCambridge OvalSVC Gold Won (4 to 6)
Wed 14-Aug-24
4:15 PM
DominicMacKillop RedDominic OvalMacKillop Red Won (1 to 12)
Round 4Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 21-Aug-24Eastside Lutheran College-- BYE --Bye
Wed 21-Aug-24
4:15 PM
St AloysiusHutchins MagentaSt Aloysius Oval - HuntingfieldHutchins Magenta Forfeited (3 to 0)
Wed 21-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Friends' BlueMacKillop RedBell Street - Main OvalMacKillop Red Won (2 to 3)
Wed 21-Aug-24
4:15 PM
SVC GoldDominicSt Virgil's College - JPC OvalSVC Gold Won (4 to 0)
Round 5Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 28-Aug-24SVC Gold-- BYE --Bye
Wed 28-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Friends' BlueSt AloysiusBell Street - Main OvalCancelled
Wed 28-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Eastside Lutheran CollegeMacKillop RedCambridge OvalMacKillop Red Won (1 to 11)
Wed 28-Aug-24
4:15 PM
DominicHutchins MagentaDominic OvalCancelled
Wash out
Round 6Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 4-Sep-24Hutchins Magenta-- BYE --Bye
Wed 4-Sep-24
4:15 PM
MacKillop RedSt AloysiusMacKillop OvalCancelled
Wed 4-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Friends' BlueSVC GoldBell Street - Main OvalFriends' Blue Won (7 to 2)
Wed 4-Sep-24
4:15 PM
DominicEastside Lutheran CollegeDominic OvalCancelled
Round 7Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 11-Sep-24MacKillop Red-- BYE --Bye
Wed 11-Sep-24
4:15 PM
St AloysiusEastside Lutheran CollegeSt Aloysius Oval - Huntingfield
Wed 11-Sep-24
4:15 PM
DominicFriends' BlueDominic OvalFriends' Blue Won (0 to 6)
Wed 11-Sep-24
4:15 PM
SVC GoldHutchins MagentaSt Virgil's College - JPC OvalHutchins Magenta Won (1 to 4)
Round 8Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 18-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins MagentaSVC GoldBarrie Irons Oval
Semi-Final (2 v 3)
Wed 18-Sep-24
4:15 PM
MacKillop RedFriends' BlueBell Street - Top Oval
Semi-Final (1 v 4)
Round 9Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 25-Sep-24-- FINALS ROUND --Teams to be announced.
  Format for Printer...
  SSATIS Boys Year 8 Soccer - History of Champions
2023Friends' Red
2023SVC Gold
2022Hutchins Magenta
2021Friends Red
2019Sacred Heart
2018MacKillop White
2017St Virgils Blue
2016St Virgils Gold
2015MacKillop White
  CURRENT STANDINGSQueried: 16-Sep-24
1MacKillop Blue550002550040832.040
2Friends' Red651002643319514.019
3SVC Blue431001640019613.019
4Hutchins Black633001830019154.019
5Sacred Heart5230013260913-3.991
7St Aloysius60204233044-44.000
  SEASON FIXTURESQueried: 16-Sep-24
Round 1Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 31-Jul-24
12:00 AM
Calvin-- BYE --Bye
Wed 31-Jul-24
4:15 PM
Sacred HeartFriends' RedClare St OvalFriends' Red Won (0 to 5)
Wed 31-Jul-24
4:15 PM
St AloysiusMacKillop BlueSt Aloysius Oval - HuntingfieldMacKillop Blue Won (0 to 22)
Wed 31-Jul-24
4:15 PM
SVC BlueHutchins BlackSt Virgil's College - JPC OvalSVC Blue Won (4 to 3)
Round 2Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 7-Aug-24Hutchins Black-- BYE --Bye
Wed 7-Aug-24
4:15 PM
MacKillop BlueSacred HeartMacKillop OvalMacKillop Blue Won (3 to 2)
Wed 7-Aug-24
4:15 PM
St AloysiusSVC BlueSt Aloysius Oval - HuntingfieldSVC Blue Won (0 to 10)
Wed 7-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Friends' RedCalvinBell Street - Main OvalFriends' Red Won (4 to 1)
Round 3Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 14-Aug-24St Aloysius-- BYE --Bye
Wed 14-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins BlackSacred HeartHutchins WMO OvalHutchins Black Won (5 to 1)
Wed 14-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Friends' RedMacKillop BlueBell Street - Main OvalMacKillop Blue Won (2 to 3)
Wed 14-Aug-24
4:15 PM
CalvinSVC BlueCalvin Christian School - Denison StSVC Blue Won (2 to 5)
Round 4Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 21-Aug-24SVC Blue-- BYE --Bye
Wed 21-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Sacred HeartCalvinClare St OvalCalvin Forfeited (3 to 0)
Wed 21-Aug-24
4:15 PM
MacKillop BlueHutchins BlackMacKillop OvalMacKillop Blue Won (5 to 3)
Wed 21-Aug-24
4:15 PM
St AloysiusFriends' RedSt Aloysius Oval - HuntingfieldSt Aloysius Forfeited (0 to 3)
Round 5Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 28-Aug-24Friends' Red-- BYE --Bye
Wed 28-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Sacred HeartSVC BlueClare St OvalCancelled
Wed 28-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins BlackSt AloysiusHutchins WMO OvalSt Aloysius Forfeited (3 to 0)
Wed 28-Aug-24
4:15 PM
MacKillop BlueCalvinMacKillop OvalMacKillop Blue Won (7 to 1)
Round 6Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 4-Sep-24Sacred Heart-- BYE --Bye
Wed 4-Sep-24
4:15 PM
St AloysiusCalvinSt Aloysius Oval - HuntingfieldSt Aloysius Forfeited (0 to 3)
Wed 4-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Friends' RedHutchins BlackBell Street - Main OvalFriends' Red Won (4 to 1)
Wed 4-Sep-24
4:15 PM
SVC BlueMacKillop BlueSt Virgil's College - JPC OvalCancelled
Round 7Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 11-Sep-24MacKillop Blue-- BYE --Bye
Wed 11-Sep-24
4:15 PM
St AloysiusSacred HeartSt Aloysius Oval - HuntingfieldSt Aloysius Forfeited (0 to 3)
Wed 11-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Friends' RedSVC BlueBell Street - Main OvalFriends' Red Won (1 to 0)
Wed 11-Sep-24
4:15 PM
CalvinHutchins BlackCalvin Christian School - Denison StHutchins Black Won (1 to 4)
Round 8Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 18-Sep-24
4:15 PM
MacKillop BlueHutchins BlackMacKillop Oval
Semi-Final (1 v 4)
Wed 18-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Friends' RedSVC BlueBell Street - Main Oval
Semi-Final (2 v 3 )
Round 9Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 25-Sep-24-- FINALS ROUND --Teams to be announced.
SSATIS Final - Warrior Park
  Format for Printer...
  SSATIS Boys Year 8 Soccer - History of Champions
2023Friends' Red
2023SVC Gold
2022Hutchins Magenta
2021Friends Red
2019Sacred Heart
2018MacKillop White
2017St Virgils Blue
2016St Virgils Gold
2015MacKillop White
  CURRENT STANDINGSQueried: 16-Sep-24
1SVC Gold440002050020416.020
2MacKillop White541002142061754.061
3Hutchins Magenta5140091801627-10.984
4St James404004100261-58.998
  SEASON FIXTURESQueried: 16-Sep-24
Round 1Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 7-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins MagentaSt JamesBarrie Irons OvalHutchins Magenta Won (12 to 0)
Wed 7-Aug-24
4:15 PM
SVC GoldMacKillop WhiteSt Virgil's College - Main OvalSVC Gold Won (3 to 2)
Round 2Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 14-Aug-24
4:15 PM
MacKillop WhiteHutchins MagentaMacKillop OvalMacKillop White Won (7 to 2)
Wed 14-Aug-24
4:15 PM
SVC GoldSt JamesSt Virgil's College - JPC OvalSVC Gold Won (6 to 0)
Round 3Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 21-Aug-24
4:15 PM
St JamesMacKillop WhiteGYC HobartMacKillop White Won (2 to 19)
Wed 21-Aug-24
4:15 PM
SVC GoldHutchins MagentaSt Virgil's College - Main OvalSVC Gold Won (7 to 0)
Round 4Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 28-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins MagentaSt JamesBarrie Irons OvalCancelled
Wed 28-Aug-24
4:15 PM
SVC GoldMacKillop WhiteSt Virgil's College - JPC OvalCancelled
Round 5Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 4-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins MagentaMacKillop WhiteBarrie Irons OvalMacKillop White Won (0 to 9)
Wed 4-Sep-24
4:15 PM
St JamesSVC GoldGYC HobartCancelled
Round 6Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 11-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins MagentaSVC GoldBarrie Irons OvalSVC Gold Won (2 to 4)
Wed 11-Sep-24
4:15 PM
MacKillop WhiteSt JamesMacKillop OvalMacKillop White Won (24 to 0)
Round 7Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 18-Sep-24
4:15 PM
St JamesHutchins MagentaGYC Hobart
Rd. 4 Makeup
Wed 18-Sep-24
4:15 PM
SVC GoldMacKillop WhiteSt Virgil's College - JPC Oval
Rd. 4Makeup
Round 8Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 25-Sep-24
4:15 PM
-- FINALS ROUND --Teams to be announced.
  Format for Printer...
  SSATIS Boys Year 7 Soccer - History of Champions
2023Hutchins Gold
2022St Virgil's Blue
2021St Virgil's Blue
2019St Virgil's Green
2018Hutchins Black
2017MacKillop Red
2016Friends Red
2015St Virgils
  CURRENT STANDINGSQueried: 16-Sep-24
1SVC Blue330001550012111.012
2Hutchins Black431001640019613.019
4Sacred Heart402208200714-6.993
  SEASON FIXTURESQueried: 16-Sep-24
Round 1Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 7-Aug-24Hutchins Black-- BYE --Bye
Wed 7-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Sacred HeartSVC BlueClare St OvalSVC Blue Won (0 to 3)
Wed 7-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Friends'CalvinBell Street - Top OvalFriends' Won (4 to 1)
Round 2Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 14-Aug-24Friends'-- BYE --Bye
Wed 14-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Sacred HeartHutchins BlackClare St OvalHutchins Black Won (1 to 5)
Wed 14-Aug-24
4:15 PM
SVC BlueCalvinSt Virgil's College - Main OvalSVC Blue Won (6 to 1)
Round 3Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 21-Aug-24Calvin-- BYE --Bye
Wed 21-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins BlackSVC BlueBarrie Irons OvalSVC Blue Won (0 to 3)
Wed 21-Aug-24
4:15 PM
Friends'Sacred HeartBell Street - Top OvalDraw (4 to 4)
Round 4Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 28-Aug-24Sacred Heart-- BYE --Bye
Wed 28-Aug-24
4:15 PM
CalvinHutchins BlackCalvin Christian School - Denison StCancelled
Wed 28-Aug-24
4:15 PM
SVC BlueFriends'St Virgil's College - Main OvalCancelled
Round 5Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 4-Sep-24SVC Blue-- BYE --Bye
Wed 4-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins BlackFriends'Hutchins WMO OvalHutchins Black Won (6 to 2)
Wed 4-Sep-24
4:15 PM
CalvinSacred HeartCalvin Christian School - Denison StDraw (2 to 2)
Round 6Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 11-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins BlackCalvinHutchins WMO OvalHutchins Black Won (8 to 0)
Rd. 4 Makeup
Wed 11-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Friends'SVC BlueBell Street - Top Oval
Rd. 4 Makeup
Round 7Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 18-Sep-24
4:15 PM
Hutchins BlackFriends'Hutchins WMO Oval
Semi-Final (2 v 3)
Wed 18-Sep-24
4:15 PM
SVC BlueSacred HeartSt Virgil's College - Main Oval
Semi-Final (1 v 4)
Round 8Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 25-Sep-24-- FINALS ROUND --Teams to be announced.
SSATIS Final - Warrior Park
  Format for Printer...
  SSATIS Boys Year 7 Soccer - History of Champions
2023Hutchins Gold
2022St Virgil's Blue
2021St Virgil's Blue
2019St Virgil's Green
2018Hutchins Black
2017MacKillop Red
2016Friends Red
2015St Virgils
1. Grades played include 1st, 2nd, Year 10, Year 9, Year 8 and Year 7. There may also be divisions (1&2 or A&B) if there are too many teams for one roster.
2. Schools must have a team in the first division before being allowed a team in the second division.
3. If a school enters more than one team in the same division, there will be no interchange of players between the teams without the permission of the Chair of SSATIS.
4. Matches will be played under current regulations as applied by Football Federation Australia subject to variations listed below.
5. Venues
i. Matches will be played at school venues or suitable hired venues, if additional grounds are required.
ii. If hired venues are required for 1st Grade matches, a venue with lights is preferred.
6. Match Format
i. 1st Grade matches will consist of 2 x 30 minute halves, with a 5 minute break between halves, commencing at 4pm.
ii. All other grades will consist of 2 x 25 minutes halves, with a 5 minute break between halves, commencing at either 4pm or 4:15pm.
iii.  In matches which are likely to be compromised by poor light, games are expected to conclude by 5.15pm (daily sunset time). It is the joint responsibility of coaches to make a decision on shortening the match either at the beginning of the game or at half-time.
iv.  Grand Final matches may be lengethed by mutual agreement, if an earlier start or venue with lights is available.
7. Team Numbers
i. 1st grade: Teams will consist of eleven players with up to four interchange players. A team must have at least seven players to commence a match.
ii. Girls 2nd Soccer:  Teams will play 9 a side. If both teams have more than 9 players teams can play with either 10 or 11 on the field, but numbers are to be matched from each team. Teams must have a minimum of 7 players for the games to commence, but team numbers below 9 do not need to be matched by the opposing team.
iii. All other grades: Teams will consist of eleven field players with number of interchange players negotiable.
iv. A team must have a minimum of seven players to commence a match.
8. Match Officials
i. The home team is to provide a referee with adequate experience and each team is to supply a competent linesperson.
ii. Central referees are supplied for 1st Grade matches by SSATIS.
9. Uniform requirements
i. Players in 1st Grade must have numbers on their shirts.
ii. Goalkeepers are to wear a different coloured top to the other players in their team and the opposition.
iii. Goalkeepers are to wear protective gloves.
iv. Shin pads must be worn and mouth guards are highly recommended.
v. Shin pads must not be visible; socks should be above the shin pads.
10. Equipment
i. Each school will provide a suitable match ball.
Boys: Year 7 size 4 ball, all other grades size 5 ball
Girls: Years 7 and 8 size 4 ball, all other grades size 5 ball
ii. Nets and Corner Posts should, wherever possible, be in place for all games. Finals should be played on good standard grounds and Nets and Corner Posts should be in place for these games.
General Regulations
11. Interchange Rule
i. 1st grade: In cases where abuse of the interchange rule occurs it has been recommended to referees that, unless in the case of serious injury, that a 5 minute gap between stoppages for interchange be invoked. No team should be disadvantaged if they have the maximum players allowed.
12. Bookings:
i. 1st grade: If a player receives a yellow card a report must be sent to the SSATIS Administrative Officer. If a player collects three yellow cards within a SSATIS season they are automatically suspended for the next match in the roster. The SSATIS Administrative Officer should advise all schools of this.
ii. If a player receives a red card he/she is automatically suspended for the next SSATIS match. Further action is left to the discretion of the school. In all cases a report must be sent to the SSATIS Administrative Officer.
13. Reporting Players:
i. The referee will take note of the incident and write details on the team sheet.
ii. The school involved must also report the incident to the SSATIS Administrative Officer.
14. Where possible, umpires will be independent for all finals.
15. Qualifying players for finals
i. To qualify to play in a final a player must have played at least half of the roster matches played by the team contesting the final.
16. Drawn Grand Finals
i. For Years 7 - 10 and 2nd Grade the team on top of the ladder at the end of the roster shall be the winner.
ii. 1st Grade should play two 5-minute halves of extra time where possible. If still tied the Premiership will be awarded to the team on top of the ladder.
17. Washed Out Grand Final
i. 1st and 2nd Grade should where possible, reschedule for a time that is suitable to both teams.
ii. For Years 7-10 the final shall be awarded to the team higher on the ladder.
18. Results are to be sent to the SSATIS Admin Officer weekly so results can be entered and uploaded to the website.
19. Point score
Win/Forfeit = 5
Draw = 3
Loss = 1
Washout = 3
Forfeit against = 0
For general SSATIS regulations
Rules and Regulations for Boys and Girls              Last updated on 21/06/2016
Matches will be played under Football Federation Tasmania rules subject to variations listed below:
1. BOYS:  The game shall consist of two halves of 40 minutes. There will be a break of ten minutes at half time.
    GIRLS:  The game shall consist of two halves of 35 minutes.  There will be a break of five minutes at half time.
2. The venue will be decided by the host school but the pitch must be of Football Federation Tasmania dimensions.
3. If at the end of the game a tie exists there will be a 10 minute break, then extra time of 2 x 5 minute periods will be played. There will be no break between the two periods of extra time. If the match is still tied after extra time a penalty shoot-out should take place to determine the winner.
Shootout Format
Initially the shootout starts with five frames. In each frame, one player from each team will take a penalty shot. The shots go back and forth until one team is mathematically eliminated, thus negating the necessity of additional frames.
If the two teams are tied after five frames, they must each select an additional player to shoot in the sixth frame, and so on. A player may not shoot a second penalty shot until every player on the pitch has taken their first, including the goalkeepers. If this rare phenomenon occurs, the teams cycle around again using the same order they originally selected.
4. SATIS will be responsible for appointing officials for the game.
5. Teams will consist of eleven players and four interchange players.
6. Qualified referees are to be appointed to control matches.
7. The home team is responsible for supplying three suitable match balls.
8. Each school shall provide:
     a. A competent line person
     b. A team sheet with names and numbers of all players. A maximum of 15 players is allowed on each team sheet, allowing four interchange players per team.         Players may be freely interchanged at any time during the game with the permission of the referee. All such changes are to occur at the half way line. Teams must wait at least 5 minutes between such changes.
9.  A minimum of seven players is required to commence a game.
10.  All players must have a number on their shirt.

Note: The Home Team (displayed as the left-hand team in all fixtures) always carries the costs and responsibilities for hosting the game, regardless of venue.

Adrian Broughton (SSATIS)Soccer