Cricket (JSSATIS)
Last Updated: Mon 18-Mar-2024
SEASON FIXTURES | Queried: 18-Mar-24 | |||
Round 1 | Home Team | Away Team | Venue | Result |
Mon 19-Feb-24 4:00 PM | Corpus Christi | SVC Green | Soldiers Memorial Oval - White | |
Mon 19-Feb-24 4:00 PM | Dominic | TFS Blue | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Yellow | |
Mon 19-Feb-24 4:00 PM | Hutchins | SHC Red | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Green | |
Mon 19-Feb-24 4:00 PM | TFS Red | SVC Blue | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Blue | |
Mon 19-Feb-24 4:00 PM | Hilliard | SHC Blue | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Red | |
Round 2 | Home Team | Away Team | Venue | Result |
Mon 26-Feb-24 4:00 PM | Hilliard | SVC Green | Soldiers Memorial Oval - White | |
Mon 26-Feb-24 4:00 PM | Corpus Christi | Dominic | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Red | |
Mon 26-Feb-24 4:00 PM | Hutchins | TFS Blue | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Yellow | |
Mon 26-Feb-24 4:00 PM | SHC Red | TFS Red | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Green | |
Mon 26-Feb-24 4:00 PM | SHC Blue | SVC Blue | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Blue | |
Round 3 | Home Team | Away Team | Venue | Result |
Mon 4-Mar-24 4:00 PM | SHC Red | SVC Green | Soldiers Memorial Oval - White | |
Mon 4-Mar-24 4:00 PM | SVC Blue | Hilliard | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Blue | |
Mon 4-Mar-24 4:00 PM | TFS Blue | Corpus Christi | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Red | |
Mon 4-Mar-24 4:00 PM | TFS Red | Hutchins | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Yellow | |
Mon 4-Mar-24 4:00 PM | Dominic | SHC Blue | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Green | |
Round 4 | Home Team | Away Team | Venue | Result |
Mon 11-Mar-24 4:00 PM | -- BYE -- | -- BYE -- | ||
Round 5 | Home Team | Away Team | Venue | Result |
Mon 18-Mar-24 4:00 PM | Dominic | SVC Green | Soldiers Memorial Oval - White | |
Mon 18-Mar-24 4:00 PM | SVC Blue | TFS Blue | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Yellow | |
Mon 18-Mar-24 4:00 PM | Corpus Christi | SHC Red | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Green | |
Mon 18-Mar-24 4:00 PM | Hilliard | TFS Red | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Blue | |
Mon 18-Mar-24 4:00 PM | SHC Blue | Hutchins | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Red | |
Round 6 | Home Team | Away Team | Venue | Result |
Mon 25-Mar-24 4:00 PM | Hutchins | SVC Green | Soldiers Memorial Oval - White | |
Mon 25-Mar-24 4:00 PM | Corpus Christi | SVC Blue | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Blue | |
Mon 25-Mar-24 4:00 PM | SHC Red | Hilliard | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Red | |
Mon 25-Mar-24 4:00 PM | TFS Red | Dominic | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Yellow | |
Mon 25-Mar-24 4:00 PM | TFS Blue | SHC Blue | Soldiers Memorial Oval - Green | |
Round 7 | Home Team | Away Team | Venue | Result |
Mon 1-Apr-24 4:00 PM | -- BYE -- | -- BYE -- | ||
Round 8 | Home Team | Away Team | Venue | Result |
Mon 8-Apr-24 4:00 PM | SVC Blue | SVC Green | Cornelian Bay Oval - White | |
Mon 8-Apr-24 4:00 PM | Dominic | Hutchins | Cornelian Bay Oval - Red | |
Mon 8-Apr-24 4:00 PM | Hilliard | TFS Blue | Cornelian Bay Oval - Yellow | |
Mon 8-Apr-24 4:00 PM | Corpus Christi | SHC Red | Cornelian Bay Oval - Green | |
Mon 8-Apr-24 4:00 PM | SHC Blue | TFS Red | Cornelian Bay Oval - Blue | |
Format for Printer... |
Cricket 3/4 Boys (Term 1) & Girls (Term 4)
Age Group: Year 3/4 Boys and Year 3/4 & 5/6 Girls
Players: A team of 6 players (See below for modification where there are more players in a team - 8 is the maximum number. Modification must be made to ensure game time is still 1 hr to 1hr 15min max.)
Equipment: 2 sets of plastic wickets, 2 bats, 2 Free Hit cones (either side of the wicket), or 1 Free Hit cones (Offside/right hand side of wickets), 3 Blast cricket balls (ideally red for the cone/s and white to bowl with) and cones to mark out the field.
No protective gear necessary.
PA and music (Girls).
Playing Area: Pitch length - 18 metres (Approx)
Pitch type - Grass
Ground size - boundaries are to be set up at a 20 metre radius from the pitch with the area behind the wicketkeeper reduced to allow more space and encourage straighter hitting to the open spaces.
Game time: Approximately 1hr and 1hr 15 min. 12 overs per team/innings regardless of how many wickets are lost. No break between innings with teams switching straight over..
A bat toss determines which team bats first.
No official scoring.
Batting - Players bat in pairs for 4 overs regardless of whether they get dismissed in that period. Batters swap ends after each over and when dismissed (except when run out). If batter facing fails to hit two consecutive balls in one over, they can hit off the tee but must run.
Bowling - Players bowl two overs each (6 ball overs), bowled from the same end. If a bowler bowls a 'No Ball' or 'Wide' the batter receives a free hit from the tee.
Free Hit - On a Free hit, the batter must hit off the tee forward of the batting end stumps. The batter can only be out 'run out' from a free hit.
Fielding - No fielder is allowed within 10 metres of the bat until after the ball is hit. This excludes the wicketkeeper. The fielders rotate in a circular formation after each over so they field in each position, including wicket keeping throughout an innings.
Wickets - Batters can be given out for being bowled, caught, run out stumped and hit wicket. There is no LBW.
- Each team requires a Manager to facilitate the game.
- When batting, the Manager will group the team into pairs and ensure the next pair is ready to go after each pairing.
- When fielding/bowling, the Manager will umpire from the bowlers end, organise the team into fielding positions and rotate the fielders after each over.
1. Fielding: Extra players start off and swap onto the field in place of the bowler after each over. If both teams having extra players, the Managers can agree to play more than 6 on the field.
2. Bowling: Some players will only bowl one over. If both teams have extra players, overs can be reduced to 4 ball overs, so everyone can still bowl 2 overs.
3. Batting: 7 players - 1 batter bats twice, and only 3 overs are faced per batting pair. 8 players - 3 overs faced per batting pair. If both teams have extra players, and over numbers are increased, batters may still be able to bat for 4 overs.
Indoor Cricket Regulations
Boys Indoor Cricket Roster
1. SCORING - Plus whatever you run.
Zone A (front net) = 0 runs
Zone B (side net) = 1 run
Zone C (side net) = 2 runs
Zone D (back net) = 4 runs on bounce
Zone D (back net) = 6 runs on full
Zone B or C onto Zone D = 3 runs
*You need to run for these bonus runs to be added to your score.
Wicket = - 5 runs
Extras = 2 runs
Wins = 4 Points per win
Skins = 1 point per skin, therefore a maximum of 4 points per game.
2. Each batting pair will bat for total of 4 over per partnership (6 ball overs), therefore as a team 12 overs. The non-striker batsmen will run from the white half-way line. Partnerships are important as each team will also have a secondary incentive with each partnership going up against their opposing partnership to see who can score the most runs; these are called skins and are worth 1 point per skin on the ladder.
3. Overs consist of 6 balls, each player will need to bowl 2 overs.
4. Extra balls don't exist unless it's in the last over of a partnership, where a batter can either have a re-bowl and risk losing wickets in hope of the reward of extra runs or take the run penalty for an extra (2 runs)
5. Fielding -
Teams must have 3 players in front half of the court, this includes 2 fielders on each side of the pitch in the front half and a wicketkeeper that must stand on the blue marked pitch. In the back half of the court the team must have 3 players also; this includes 2 fielders on each side of the court and a bowler. Fielders have the capacity to catch the ball either from the bat or off the net on the full to catch a batsmen out, they can also run a batsmen out if they are out of their crease.
Note: The Home Team (displayed as the left-hand team in all fixtures) always carries the costs and responsibilities for hosting the game, regardless of venue.
Boys Indoor Cricket Roster