Cross Country

Last Updated: Fri 21-Jun-2024

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  • NSATIS will conduct an Inter School Cross Country in collaboration with Athletics Tasmania.
  • Age date will be taken as at 31st December in the current year.
  • NSATIS Competition will be in the following age groups; U/14, U15, U16, U17, and Open.
Scoring in Team Events
  • For a team to be eligible to earn trophy points the minimum number of runners to score points must complete the event and be recorded in the Athletics Tasmania Result Sheet.
  • In the U14, U/15, U/16, U/17 and Open age groups, 4 runners must complete the course.  (Open runners can come from either the U/18 or U/20 event).  The first 4 runners from each school score points (points 28 - 1). The highest score by four runners wins the age group. Any additional team members do not displace nor do they score.
Open scoring:
  • Schools may enter runners in Athletics Tasmania Under 18 and/or Under 20 events but the times will be considered and runners will be ranked in the OPEN division based on their times. Schools will be required to have 4 runners finish across the U/18 and U/20 events combined. The NSATIS administrative officer will rank all participants from the U/18 and U/20 to score team points for the open division.  
Trophy Points
  • In the tally of each age group, the first placed school receives 7 points, the second receives 6 points etc.
  • If a school does not have the minimum amount of runners in any age group, they are disqualified and do not qualify for trophy points.
  • There are three trophies, Combined Boys Trophy, Combined Girls Trohpy and a Combined Aggregate Trophy.
  • Results for all age groups will be acknowledged.
Ammended 21/06/2024
1. SSATIS will conduct an Inter School Cross Country in collaboration with Athletics Tasmania. Meetings should be conducted under the laws of the International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF) in conjunction with Athletics Australia and Athletics Tasmania.
2. In the event of inclement weather or forecast inclement weather conditions, a wet weather committee comprising of the Chair of SSATIS, SSATIS Administration Officer and the organising school delegates will meet the day prior to the carnival regarding cancellation/postponement. The SSATIS Administration officer will contact SSATIS delegates at the earliest time possible regarding cancellation. Cancellation of carnivals will be done no later than 7:30am on the day of the carnival.
3. Ten races shall be held over the following distances:
 Under 13 3km
 Under 14 4km
 Under 15 4km
 Under 16 4km
Open  6km
Under 13 3km
Under 14 4km
Under 15 4km
Under 16 4km
Open   4km
4. Scoring System for each event/race
Unlimited entries. First 5 runners per school to finish, score. The next 5 to displace. Winning school determined by the lowest number of points.
5. Aggregate Shield point score is determined by the number of schools entered. First 4 points, second 3, third 2 and fourth 1, if 4 schools are entered. The points score for each age group will be added together to determine the winners of each of the trophies.
6. Trophies
i. The following trophies are presented at the Cross Country Event;
Aggregate (Boys, Girls, Co-Ed) - Schools with Years 7-12.  Age Groups U13-Open.
College (Boys, Girls, Co-Ed.) - Schools with Years 11 & 12.
Junior (Boys, Girls, Co-Ed.) - Schools with Years 7-10. Age Groups U13-U16.
ii. Individual trophies will be presented to the winners in each Age Group.
iii. Pennant flags will be awarded to winning schools in each age group U13 - Open, Boys and Girls.
The order of Trophy presentation will be rotated annually to avoid any one group of trophies gaining pre-eminence.
7. Announcement of Results
i. Individual winners will be announced first, followed by pennant results and shield results. Final results are not to be read in full at the final presentation
ii. Reading of pennant results: Top three placed schools in Pennants will be announced without points.
iii. Reading of shield results: schools placed fourth and below will have their place only announced, schools placed 3rd, 2nd and 1st will be announced in that order with their points.
iv. Schools shall only be announced in results for trophies that they are eligible to win.
8. Member schools which cater for only Grades 7 - 10 will be permitted to enter teams in the Open Age Group events, and thus be eligible for individual trophies.
9. Athletes must compete in their school's prescribed sports uniform. (See uniform registry).
i. Accepted school caps may be worn while competing but must be worn in the accepted manner i.e. Peak to the front. Failure to comply will result in either not being allowed to compete or disqualification. Notice of disqualification will be given to the relevant SSATIS delegate.
ii. If a school is unable to outfit teams/individuals in accepted school uniform for Cross Country, the Chair of SSATIS is to be notified prior to the event. The cross country sub-committee will then be notified.
10. The point scores will be accepted as the correct scores at the conclusion of the carnival. Appeals may be lodged with the organising committee within 48 hours.
11. The costs incurred by a school organising this carnival will be met by SSATIS. Program production costs are for paper and "in-house" photocopying.
12. Lodgements of protests.
i. The cross country sub-committee appoints a neutral referee who will make decisions on any protest.  
ii. Prior to Cross Country SSATIS Delegates and/or Cross Country Coordinator will brief athletes on the acceptable sporting behaviour when racing.
iii. Marshals will be briefed by the referee, who will clearly state that any competitor who jostles or obstructs another athlete, so as to impede his/her progress, shall be liable for disqualification.
iv. Each school will need to supply 2 adult marshals (not students).
v. At the start line all competitors will be briefed again by the start marshal about sporting behaviour when out on the course.
i. If a marshal sees any action which causes concern this will need to be briefly documented and given to the referee for consideration.
ii. An athlete may also lodge a protest through their SSATIS delegate or teacher-in-charge. This to needs to be documented briefly.

Adrian Broughton (SSATIS)Cross-Country