
Last Updated: Thu 11-Jul-2024

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1. Sections
1. A school would usually nominate a team in the first division however consideration can be requested to be entered in a lower division.  Nominations for certain rosters (eg. 2nds) may fall short of required numbers therefore only a 1sts Division may be possible.
2. Teams shall consist of 5 court players and a maximum of 5 substitute players.
2. Rules
1. Basketball Games are played under the rules of FIBA unless otherwise stated below.
2. All players' names must be placed on the score sheet before play commences.
3. Games are to start on time as per official roster
4. Each team is allowed only one time out per quarter (1 minute duration)
5. There will be no jump-balls during the game.  Possession arrow is to be used during the game to determine jump-balls.
6. A team is allowed 4 team fouls per quarter. Fouls in excess of 4 are awarded foul shots
3. Injuries
If a player has a bleeding injury, they must leave the court and have the bleeding stopped and covered before returning to play
4. Playing Rules
1. Ten minute quarters will be played with one time-out only per quarter. Breaks will be two minutes at half time and one minute between quarters.
2. Shot clock to be used for all 1sts finals and 1sts roster matches where available
3. Game clock stops for:
    • 1 x time out per team per quarter
    • All foul shots
    • When a serious injury occurs and play is required to stop at the umpires discretion
4. During the last 3 minutes of the 4th Quarter, the game clock will stop on every whistle only if  the scores are closer than ten points or less.
5. Match officials (2 referees and scorers) are to be appointed by the Home team. The home team must provide a "match manager" responsible for the facility and necessary equipment including scorebook. In the event a match manager is not provided the home team coach must fill this role. A failure to meet this obligation will result in a forfeit.
5. Equipment
Each team is to supply a match ball in good condition.
Senior Girls - use a size 6 ball.
Senior Boys - use a sie 7 ball.
6. Forfeit
A forfeit occurs if a team has not taken the court with a minimum of 4 players 15 minutes after the scheduled starting time.
7. Umpiring
Most venues are to be covered by the home team.
8. Bench
Each team is to supply a bench person familiar with scoring or prepared to learn to score.  This person may also be the team's adult supervisor.
9. Points Allocation for Results
5 Points - Win
3 Points - Draw
1 Point - Loss
0 Points - Forfeit (3 - 0 win/loss)
10. Dress
Teams must be in a playing uniform with numbers on the singlet, appropriate footwear and shorts must be worn (no tracksuit pants)
11. Finals Eligibility
As per NSATIS Finals Qualifications.
1. Grades played include 1st, 2nd, Year 10, Year 9, Year 8 and Year 7. There may also be divisions (1&2 or A&B) if there are too many teams for one roster.
2. Schools must have a team in the first division before being allowed a team in the second division.
3. If a school enters more than one team in the same division, there will be no interchange of players between the teams without the permission of the Chair of SSATIS.
4. Basketball will be played under the rules of FIBA unless otherwise stated
5. Venues
i. All Grades will be played in school venues. External venues to be booked by host school if requires
6. Matches in School gymnasiums will be scheduled for 4:15pm. In the instance multiple rosters run on the same afternoon, matches may be played in two time slots e.g 4:00pm and 5:00pm. If a team are not in a position to commence the match 15 minutes after the allotted start time, that team will forfeit the match.
7. Match Format
i. The game shall consist of four (4) periods of ten (10) minutes running time. The clock will not stop, this includes time outs. There shall be intervals of play of two (2) minutes after the first and third quarter and three (3) minutes at half time. No extra period will be added (See Finals).
ii. The clock will stop on every whistle in the last 3 minutes of the last quarter where the point difference is less than 10 points.
iii. The clock will stop during time outs in the last 3 minutes of the last quarter where the point difference is less than 10 points.  Time outs are to be one minute in length.
iv. Each team is allowed one time out per quarter.
v. There will be no jump-balls during the game. Possession arrow is to be used during game to determine jump-balls.
vi. The clock will stop for serious injuries. This is at the discretion of the referee.
8. Match Officials
i. Referee(s) are to be appointed by the Home team. Each team should appoint one scorer. Referees are supplied for 1st Grade matches by SSATIS.
ii. The home team must provide a "match manager" responsible for the facility and necessary equipment including scorebook.
iii. In the event a match manager is not provided, the home team coach must fill this role. A failure to meet this obligation will result in a forfeit.  
9. Uniform
i. All players must be in recognised school sports uniform (this includes correct shorts and tops) which are correctly numbered. A player incorrectly attired may not take the court.
ii. Where a clash of uniform colour occurs, the home team will wear their usual uniform and in the final the higher placed team wears their usual uniform.
10. Equipment
i. Each team is obliged to provide a match ball.
Boys - Year 7 will use a size 6 ball. All other teams will use a size 7.
Girls - All grades will use a size 6 ball.
General Regulations
11. Players are allowed to play in teams in a higher grade/division, however, once a player plays up in three roster matches they cannot play down again.
12. A player may play two matches on one day, provided they are playing up from their registered team, and that their name and registered team is filled in on the score sheet.
13. The captain and coach of the opposing team are to be notified (where possible) of this before a player plays in either match.
14. Where possible, umpires will be independent for all finals.
15. Qualifying players for finals
i. To qualify to play in a final a player must have played at least half of the roster matches played by the team contesting the final.
16. Drawn Final
17. If it is a draw at the end of the Final
i. Year 7-10 and 2nd grade will share the premiership.
ii. 1st grade will play 5 minutes extra time until a winner is resolved.
18. Results are to be sent to the SSATIS Admin Officer weekly so results can be entered and uploaded to the website.
19. Point score
Win/Forfeit = 5
Draw = 3
Loss = 1
Abandoned = 3
Forfeit against = 0
For general SSATIS regulations
GAMES/MATCHES:        Last updated on 27/06/2019
1.  Basketball will be played under the rules of FIBA unless otherwise stated.
2.  All players must be in recognised school sports uniform (this includes correct shorts and tops) which are correctly numbered. A player incorrectly attired may not take the court.
3.  Where a clash of uniform colour occurs the hosting team will wear their usual uniform.
4.  Playing Rules
i. The game shall consist of four periods of ten minute quarters - with one time-out only per quarter per team. Breaks will be three minutes at half time and two minutes between quarters.
ii. Shot clock to be used for all state finals provided venue has the technology available, when booking a venue priority should be given to ensuring it has shot clock capability.  
iii. The Clock stops for:
    • 1 x time out per team per quarter.  
    • All foul shots
    • When a serious injury occurs and play is required to stop at the referees discretion
iii.  Each team is allowed one time out per quarter.  Time-outs are to be one minute in length.
iv.  There will be no jump-balls during the game.  Possession arrow is to be used during the game to determine jump-balls.
        v.  During the last 3 minutes of the 4th Quarter, the game clock will stop on the whistle (including foul shots and time-outs) only if  the scores are closer
              than ten points or less.
5. Match officials (2 referees and scorers) are to be appointed by the Home team.  The match referee should be a qualified and independent referee where possible. The home team must provide a "match manager" responsible for the facility and necessary equipment including scorebook. In the event a match manager is not provided the home team coach must fill this role.  Each team should appoint one scorer.
6. Each team is obliged to provide a match ball.
7.  Boys will use a size 7.
     Girls will use a size 6 ball.
8.  If it is a draw at the end of the final quarter, 5 minutes extra time will be played to determine the winner.  If after this 5 minutes of extra time scores are still level, there  will be a 2 minute break followed by another 5 minutes of extra time.  This process will continue until a winner has been determined.  (refer to Point 4 in regards to regulations for the clock).

Note: The Home Team (displayed as the left-hand team in all fixtures) always carries the costs and responsibilities for hosting the game, regardless of venue.

Adrian Broughton (SSATIS)Basketball