Australian RulesSSATIS Boys Senior 2nds Aussie Rules
2024 Term 2
  SEASON FIXTURESQueried: 17-Dec-24

Round 1Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 1-May-24
4:00 PM
St Virgil'sHutchinsTCAHutchins Won (20 to 37)
Wed 1-May-24
4:30 PM
Friends'Guilford YoungGeilston Bay Oval #1Friends' Won (66 to 24)
TFS 10.6.66 def GYC 3.6.24

Round 2Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 8-May-24
4:00 PM
St Virgil'sFriends'TCAFriends' Won (27 to 42)
SVC 4.3.27 lost to TFS 6.6.42
Wed 8-May-24
4:30 PM
HutchinsGuilford YoungGeilston Bay Oval #1Hutchins Won (56 to 22)

Round 3Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 15-May-24
4:00 PM
Guilford YoungSt Virgil'sAbbotsfield ParkGuilford Young Won (56 to 18)
Wed 15-May-24
4:00 PM
Friends'HutchinsTCAHutchins Won (24 to 35)
TFS 3.6.24 lost to HUT 5.5.35

Round 4Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 22-May-24
4:15 PM
HutchinsSt Virgil'sGeilston Bay Oval #1Hutchins Won (46 to 37)
Wed 22-May-24
4:30 PM
Guilford YoungFriends'TCAGuilford Young Won (46 to 22)
GYC 6.10.46 def TFS 3.4.22

Round 5Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 29-May-24
4:00 PM
Guilford YoungHutchinsTCAGuilford Young Won (72 to 57)
Wed 29-May-24
4:15 PM
Friends'St Virgil'sGeilston Bay Oval #1Friends' Won (72 to 46)
TFS10.12.72 def SVC 7.4.46

Round 6Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 5-Jun-24
4:00 PM
St Virgil'sGuilford YoungAbbotsfield ParkGuilford Young Won (31 to 36)
Wed 5-Jun-24
4:00 PM
Friends'HutchinsTCAHutchins Won (31 to 41)
TFS 4.7.31 to HUT 5.11.41

Round 7Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 12-Jun-24
4:00 PM
HutchinsGuilford YoungTCAGuilford Young Won (34 to 37)

Round 8Home TeamAway TeamVenueResult
Wed 3-Jul-24
2:15 PM
Guilford YoungTeams to be announced.
SATIS Final (GYC 15.17.107 def SBSC 10.1.61 @TCA)

  SSATIS Boys Senior 2nds Aussie Rules - History of Champions
2024Guilford Young
2023Hutchins Gold